Look at some of our student testimonies below!

Pastor Gona

”The education here is amazing with the leadership of our professor T.B Bondera. Thank you for my education and certificate. I have developed into a more better leader than l was when l first joined the RWIBS Institute of Theology. l however then am also taking this impartation to those l lead and l am referring colleagues to this wonderful experience.”

Pastor Vester Alphonsa

”So when l was growing up l always wanted to be a pastor and a person of value. I searched and tried to become one but in vain until l chose to attend the RWIBS Institute of Theology then every dream was turned into reality. The classes were so much spiritual and they had harmony. The leader himself Major Prophet TB Bondera was always making sure we understand everything and the information was all new to me. Thank you Prophet, Thank you RWIBS.”

Mrs Musha

”Wow l am so so short of words with this opportunity RWIBS Institution of Theology has granted me. We were taught and we heard. The books we read l had never read. I now see the bible differently. I am now all grown now to be a leader. Thank you my professor T.B Bondera, thank you RWIBS.”